Language Proficiency Classes
In the context of the ever growing global demand for soft skills in English Language, Holy Cross has introduced a series of classes called English Proficiency Classes to enhance the competency of students in English. These classes comprise a set of modules such as Phonetics, Grammar, Communication and Comprehension.
The progress of the students is evaluated by a process of oral and written examination specially designed to gage the qualitative and quantitative improvement achieved by the individual student. In the month of April, summer coaching classes are conducted to help the students who fail to achieve the stipulated standard in English Proficiency
Bridge Course
At the beginning of every Academic year, Bridge Course serves as a smooth transition period for the students from their previous grade to the new. During this period of Ten Days Programme the students are reminded of the basic concepts of the core subjects learnt during the previous year and are taught that of the current year.
Consequently, every year the students are facilitated to begin their new academic year as an integral part of their continued learning process
Handwriting Classes
In keeping with the vision of the principal to aid the students to develop legible and beautiful handwriting, the classes from Six to Nine undergo lessons in handwriting twice a week. The classes are conducted by two teachers to provide individual attention to the students.
The students are systematically trained from the basic stroke and curves to complex alphabets. At the end of every term the sample handwriting passages are evaluated to determine the progress of every individual student and at the end of the term Summer Classes are conducted to help the students who fail to achieve the predetermined standard in handwriting.

The Medium of Instruction is English
1st Std. to 12th Std. - Tamil Nadu State Board Syllabus
Higher Secondary Courses [ +1, +2 ]
Group 1
Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths.
Group 2
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths.
Group 3
Commerce, Accountancy, Economics, Computer Science.
Group 4
Commerce, Accountancy, Economics, Business Maths
Note :[ Language options for 11th and 12th Standards : Tamil and French ]