Parents desirous of admitting their children shall register from 1st of February of every year. Admission will be given after the due process, if there are seats. Admission will be given only for the standard the student is found fit for.
The Pupils selected for admission will have to produce the following at the time of admission.
Transfer Certificate from the school last attended.
Reports of previous school examinations.
A filled - in application form for admission
The original and an attested copy of the Birth Certificate.
Three passport size photographs.
Conduct certificate from the previous school.
Community certificate (Photocopy). Students from the CBSE Schools should have their T.C. countersigned by the concerned authority
A week's notice in writing is required for the withdrawal of a pupil from the school.
The Transfer Certificate shall be given to only those who have settled all their dues.
The Transfer Certificate must be applied for and taken in person by the Parent / Guardian along with the student. All expenses in connection with the attestation from the Department of Education or dispatching of the certificate by registered post to the applicant if necessary must be pre-paid by the applicant.
The Transfer Certificate or any other certificate or testimonial will be given free of charge if taken immediately when leaving.
A search fee Rs.50/- will be charged for every year and Rs.50/- will be charged for any extract from the school record.
The withdrawal of students should take place before 1st April of every Academic Year. If a student withdraws from the school after 1st May, he must pay the First Term Fees. If he withdraws in the middle of a term, fees have to be paid for the Full Year including the Bus Fees.
The Students of Std. X and Std. XII are expected to collect their Original Mark Sheet and Transfer Certificate as early as possible.
The Employment Registration will be done within fifteen days from day of distribution of Mark Sheet.
Punctuality and Attendance LEAVE OF ABSENCE
Pupils must be punctual for classes on every working day. Late comers should not enter the class without the written permission of the Principal / Vice Principal. No pupil may absent himself without obtaining prior permission.
No absentee shall enter the class without the written permission of the Principal / Vice Principal. In case of sickness or any other unavoidable circumstances, the Principal must be informed in time along with a Medical Certificate.
Any type of leave application should be addressed to the Principal / Vice Principal and should be in the prescribed form only.
Absence of all kinds has to be explained by the parents or guardian by means of an entry in the space provided in the diary.
Absence from school during test / examination will never be condoned except in case of illness. Application for leave on examination day should be personally submitted to the Principal / Vice Principal by the parents on the same day. The School conducts no re-test or re examination.
Any student of X and XII std who fails to secure 85% attendance during the academic year is liable for detention from the final examination.
As a general rule, not more than one day of leave of absence shall be granted for the wedding of a close relative or for any other social function. (Three days, when far away from Salem)
To request more information:
Contact the School Office
Mon-Fri - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Sat - 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
91 427 224088, 91 427 2240179 [ Primary School ]